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C.L.A.Y. is an organization dedicated to removing the barriers that keep you from living a blessed life.

My Story

Hello! My name is Gina Lewis, and I am a 54-year-old Christian counselor with a heart for people in need. I developed confidence late in life, having been told by many to "stay in my lane". That said, after years of living below my potential, I decided to see myself through a new lens. This breakthrough led me down a better path, one filled with prosperity and purpose. My calling as a chaplain, as well as my extensive education, have given new life to years of training and earned experience. Throughout, I have seen just how damaging negativity and discouragement can affect the brokenhearted. I have also seen the power of compassionate intervention as I strive to help others remove the barriers that have come against them. I believe God has a plan for each of us, a plan that often gets lost under the weight of the world. I created C.L.A.Y. to spread the truth to as many as possible. The truth that God has a purpose for each of us, one that utilizes our gifts and talents in ways we may not have imagined on our own. I would never have believed my life would be as it is today, yet I have never been as happy as I am now. My goal is to inspire the same happiness in you!

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Why C.L.A.Y.?

The meaning behind the name C.L.A.Y. has several layers. The name as a whole reminds us that we are simply clay in the hands of the ultimate Potter (Is 64:8). The acronym, which stands for Christ's Love Accomplished in You, reminds us that the Potter has had a plan for each of us since before we were born (Jer 29:11). Finally, the name becomes personal as I have experienced firsthand the joy of allowing His love to guide my life (Ps 119:105).




Life Coaching

One on one intervention designed to remove the barriers keeping you from moving forward, both personally and professionally.

  • Intervention tailored to your specific needs.


  • Regular meetings that work around your schedule.


  • $80 a session*, includes all materials and in-between session support. (*when bundled, rates can be discussed)


Motivational Speaking

Group presentations on a wide variety of topics. Choose from topics already prepared or select your own based on the needs of your organization.

  • No group is too large or too small.


  • Great way to re-engage employees or bring life to group activities.


  • Can be educational or fun, you decide!


  • Cost varies based on venue.


Bible 101

An easy-to-follow curriculum that teaches followers how to engage with the Bible as God intended. Taught weekly or in one 5 hour session.

  • Discover the history and reliability of the Bible.


  • Learn how to uncover the true meaning of Scripture.​


  • $60 a person, including materials. Church settings will receive a tithe from the profits.


  • AA  Christian Counseling

  • BS Behavioral Science

  • MA  Applied Ministry

  • Licensed/ordained with International Fellowship of Chaplains - 7 yrs.

NAMI Educator
  • Family to Family

  • Peer to Peer

  • Support Facilitator

  • Caring for People God’s Way

  • Caring for Kids God’s Way

  • Breaking Free

AACC Certified
  • Ohio State Supreme Court Intervention Training

  • ACBC - 30 hrs. Biblical Counseling Training

  • Hancock County Volunteer of the Year

  • Daphne Morrison Award

  • Citation - State Rep. Magg


Sandy W.

"Gina gave me strength and hope during a very dark time in my life. She continued to reach out to me and guide me. Her compassion and love for spreading Gods word is truly felt and appreciated. Gina's heart is filled with Gods love."

Cheree R.

I can't say enough for how knowledgeable and supportive Gina has been during the most difficult time in my life. She is patient and very easy to talk to, which helped me to share about areas I've never shared with anyone before. Gina has helped me identify negative traits to work on and provided me with tools to use in my life. With her guidance, I've drastically improved my outlook and way of managing difficulties. She has helped me to feel more empowered. 

Jason M.

The Lord has blessed Gina with the most amazing warm heart and open mind. She has the ability to listen, understand, and communicate while helping you through whatever the world throws at you. Gina is exactly the person you want to help you navigate life's challenges.

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